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[Grow Together] Dreams And Hard Work Both Are Best Friend(sobuz st)

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

BitCoin is more easy to earn when you will be a refereed person. To register please see below link & create a free account. This will take time but yes this is working. There are two link has given where both are best to work on. You just need to spend around 1 or 2 hours daily to make the range & after 4 months you will see some happiness :)

* http://zipansion.com/42uQ3
* http://zipansion.com/42uYk

Monday, February 29, 2016

                           SQ Celsius Designers

Hello World!
In this post you will get about our life-style and about the Team. In this January I have completed my graduation from “SHANTO-MARIAM UNIVERSITY OF CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY under the department of “Fashion Design & Technology”. After that I joined in SQ GROUP As a Designer for Celsius Section. 

We are four in our Design team and I will introduce each and every one in detail below. I have started my Career from here 18th January 2016. I am in a team along with Boss Mr. Chathura Shudarshan (Designer)  From “Sri Lanka” &  Shikha. We have started our journey earlier at 18 to 23 January. In the mid time of January, we started to learning about sweater and knitting. There were a person to support and he is Mr. Shakib Haque (Executive-Design) earlier he resigned and all the responsibility were carried by Mr. Chathura Shudharshan & The Team (We are).

Designers of SQ Celsius

1.       Mr.Chathura Shudarshan

Thursday, July 30, 2015

I have heard this at first in 2011. I was a big fan of bhoot fm. I use to listen bhoot FM regularly. One day I have heard about this place on air. They were discussing few issues and activities around this building. I was much interested to keep notes few moments which I will explain here later. They were not ready to  share the address of the HAUNTED HOUSE.

Well, I should mention one thing. At first I do not believe on this super-natural stuff but later I do in Jin after knowing more about them. After have the address we are three planned to roam around the building. We went there at evening and the whole completed building was empty since six month. [2011] 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

লজ্জা নারীর ভূষণ কিন্তু আধুনিকতার ছুয়ায় সেই লজ্জা লোপ পেতে বসেছে। আগেকার আর এখনকার বাঙ্গালি মেয়েদের পোষাকে বিস্তর ফারাক বিদ্যমান। পাশ্চাত্য সংস্কৃতির কবলে পতিত হয়ে আজ বাঙ্গালি মেয়েদের মানসিকতার ব্যাপক অবক্ষয় হচ্ছে। 

একের পর এক মডেল, অভিনেত্রীদের (তথাকথিত) স্কেন্ডাল, অশ্লীল ছবি প্রকাশ পাচ্ছে। কেউ আবার নিজেকে বাংলার সানি লিওন বলেও আখ্যা দিচ্ছে(!) অশ্লীল ছবি সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমগুলোতে প্রকাশ করে ক্যাপশনে লিখছে, 
"ভালো কাজে সমালোচনা আসবেই, আমি এগুলা কেয়ার করি না।"

এদেরকে আবার অনুকরণ অনুসরণ করছে এদেশের কিশোরী, তরুণীরা। ফলে বেড়েছে যৌন নিপীড়ন সহ নানান অসামাজিক কর্মকাণ্ড। আবার মানববন্ধন, সভা সমাবেশ এবং ফেসবুক সহ আন্যান্য যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমগুলোতে স্লোগান দিচ্ছে, 
"Don't teach us what to wear, teach your son not to rape."
হে অসভ্যের দল আর কতটা নিচে নামতে পারো তোমরা! 
খোলামেলা রাস্তায় বের হতে তোমাদের লজ্জা করে না কিন্তু পর্দা করলে লজ্জায় মুখ দেখাতে পারো না (!) 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Important Notes For migme Community Leaders & Users!

Hello "Friends" J
I know some of you really don't like to share post or write anything except re-share. And whoever did they have some less info on Topics (Hash-Tags) of the post.

By Adding the proper hash-tags we can make our shared stuffs more popular than before. By Which you might really get addicts to share stuffs by own. Not just views also you will get a good types of traffic on your shared contents.

Client     :  Axon
Product  : migme T-Shirt & art-works for mug.
Media     : Design Development.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

As a Regular migme user
Here i have mentioned few points which can be helpful to your migme journey. I have explained as much as i could and if you have any question than you may contact with me at migme or e-mail.

How to download migme avater picture?

How to download profile picture?